We’ve got LIGHT for the very first time on our #Bus4Shelter . Super stoked and one step closer to our first ever Buses4Homeless sleepout!
Phenomenal #CSR day organised by Flourish Marketing & Events Ltd in collaboration with and raising money for our Buses4Homeless project.
17 Apr – Bathroom Takeaway Donate Bubbles
Our amazing friends at Bathroom Takeaway UK have just donated their bus #Bubbles to our Buses4Homelessproject.
Day One of the Buses4Homeless refurbishment.
Lloyd and I managed to strip down a couple of the buses and should have all broken down by Tuesday eve.
30 Jan – Stagecoach Donate 4 Buses
Guys you’re not going to believe this but the AMAZING people at #StageCoachCommunityFund have gone and donated us an entire fleet of buses for our Buses4Homeless project!!!!!
That means that we can start refurbishing the buses next week!!!!!!!!!
We’re overcome by gratitude at this incredibly kind gesture. We’re going to get started on the kit out. So if you’ve followed our journey to date and want to donate or get involved in some way please see the links below.
Again thank you SO much to everyone at Stagecoach you’re absolute LEGENDS!!!!!
#buses4homeless #buses4shelter #buses4learning #buses4dining #homelessness #payingitforward
If this motivates you to want to help please
Donate here
Or Volunteer here
HBAA Charity Dinner Raises £27,000
On the 11th of January the Buses 4 Homeless team was selected by the Hotel Booking Agents Association (HBAA) as their 2019 charity of choice and asked to join their Black Tie Annual Dinner in order to raise money for our project.
Walking the talk…
Our founder Dan Atkins joined in a CEO Sleepout.
Watch his Vlog of the experience, and find out why we’re bringing forward the first bus launch
Haircuts 4 Homeless
On Tuesday 23rd of October Buses4Homeless will bring together celebrities, media and fantastic people to help the less fortunate members of our community to offer Haircuts 4 Homeless.
Having fed 150 less fortunate people one evening our team discovered a man who’d had a fresh hair cut. When complimented on his hair cut the gentleman’s eyes lit up, he smiled proudly and for what seemed like the first time in a long while the man had been complimented on his appearance.
That gave us an idea to team up with the guys at http://vipbusbars.co.uk to utilise one of their Buses as a mobile Barber Service and offer hair cuts for our homeless friends, as well as hearty food, some good conversation and a chance to forget about their ails for the moment.
London’s Buses4Homeless: An Idea for Nashville?
Here’s what happens when good intentions and a well-crafted plan come together. London businessman Dan Atkins has formulated a project called Buses4Homeless, which makes use of converted old and decommissioned buses to help homeless people in the city.
Atkins, an event and party bus operator, hatched the idea when he discovered a homeless man sleeping in a bus luggage storage department. The sight of the man’s plight moved him very deeply. “It absolutely broke my heart to see him living like that,” Atkins says. Later that day, Atkins bought a double decker bus and refurbished it into a home for the man to live in. The gentleman has since become gainfully employed and now has a place of his own, while he and Atkins have remained close friends.
The experience inspired Atkins to take his charitable act to greater heights, with fund-raising to buy and convert decommissioned buses. His project, Buses for Homeless, plans to roll out a pilot fleet of four buses this year in London and create satellite projects in other areas. Buses4Homeless projects will include buses being used for shelter, mobile kitchens and vocational training opportunities. Two vehicles will be converted to Buses4Shelter, sleeping up to 40 homeless veterans a night.
On Tuesday, October 23rd, Buses4Homeless will reach out to the community for a truly special activity. Celebrity hair stylists will be on board a bus to offer free haircuts and a warm meal to the homeless. Certainly, something as simple as a haircut can not only restore a person’s self-esteem but also aid in pursuing employment. Homeless advocate Jenny Roberts contacted a number of her celebrity friends who offered their support for the project.
Buses4Homeless is an idea that could surely be adopted in major cities across the U.S., including Nashville. Music City likely has a surplus of older buses that could be redone and sent out to homeless areas for shelter, transportation and other services, such as the complimentary grooming day offered by Buses4Homeless. We can even imagine a country celebrity or two spearheading such a worthy cause.
Such programs are already underway in multiple cities. Lave Mae, a nonprofit in San Francisco, has converted old donated city buses into mobile shower units for homeless people. Each bus can provide 2,000 showers a week, according to Leah Filler, the Engagement Director for Lava Mae. In Medford, Oregon, a local nonprofit called Forever Homes, Vehicles for Change is renovating retired buses and turning them into fully functioning houses on wheels for the homeless and their families.
Buses4Homeless has a simple mission: to reduce the number of homeless while restoring dignity to those in need. Through the zealous efforts of so many dedicated people – Atkins and Roberts, as well as Dwina Gibb and RJ Gibb, ambassadors and supporters of this enterprise, and Lisa Voice, patron of this charity – it appears that the mission is well on its way to success.
Contributions are being accepted for Buses4Homeless. For more information and to make a donation, visit the organization’s JustGiving page.